Sunday, September 11, 2011

Breakfast, old friends, new friends and our coming year.

Good food, good friends and a great start to an exciting new year for the Maranatha Life Group. We really got in a good meeting about what we are going to be studying this new year in our life group. To recap what we all talked about on September 11, we are going to start our year next week back in room 117 at Life Bible College at 10:00 AM. We will start the morning off with donuts brought by the Dan and Karen. Then we are going to discuss the Study in Isiah that Robert will be starting in about 7 weeks or so. We will then go into a time of prayer lifting up each others needs before the Lord. We know as a group of believers that communing with God through prayer is a very important part of our walk. I will be posting the weeks prayers here online every week so everyone can participate daily in the needs of each other with prayer. We know that God does listen to our payers and have ample proof of that fact just with the prayers we have seen answered in this group over the years.

The first series we will studying this year is the Doubt series that will be preached each week by Pastor Jeff. We will follow up the Sunday after each message is given with our own in depth look at what Gods wants us to gleam from this message. I know we have all had some doubt or know someone that have expressed doubt in this walk we call Christianity; well this message and life group study is for you because Pastor Jeff and then John and Larry are going to tackle these issues that cause us or our family and friends doubt. This doubt can keep us or them away from the true walk in life as Christ followers. Don't miss Pastor Jeff's message these 6 weeks and our own in depth study because this could be a life changer.
I also wanted to welcome our new friends Larry and Bonnie Marsh to our group and hope you all will make them fell welcome.

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