Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Join us to find the answers to the nonbelievers doubt

The existence of God cannot be proven scientifically. Nor can His hand in creation be scientifically verified. But that’s just the way God wants it. Hebrews 11:1, 3 and 6 tells us that God is pleased when we love Him and seek Him with our faith, not with what we see. 

As the world leans on human knowledge to prove and disprove God’s existence and His handy-work, many without faith have doubts about God. Many of the things the world says don’t support what the Bible says about God and His creation.  Or do they?  

While believers lean on their faith in God, there are plenty of clues; including physical properties, moral laws and absolute truths that indicates He exists and that He is solely responsible for creation. When speaking to the world about God we are able to speak with them on “their grounds” by using these clues to help them consider; and perhaps accept, the truth of God’s Word.   

For 6 weeks we will study and discuss some of the “Doubts” that the world has put in people’s minds about God; and see if we can answer some of the questions a nonbeliever may have.

Sunday we will be studying

“Exclusivity: How can there be just One True Religion?”

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